
You set goals for yourself and you consistently meet them.
From the outside, you’re the picture of success.
Yet, despite your accomplishments, you’re still not feeling the fulfillment you expected.

I get it.

I've been there too.

Are you stuck in how life is "supposed to be"?

For a long time I was stuck in a pattern of what was “supposed to be” rather than what will be.

I was supposed to be accomplished, happy, and basking in my success.

But something didn’t feel right.

It took me some time, but I broke the pattern of existence and aligned my energy and effort with my heart’s purpose.

But what was my heart’s purpose?

That took even more time to figure out.

I can show you how you can also go from stuck in the supposed-to-be’s, and move into alignment.

When you are successful,
others think you’re done growing.

For me, it was far from the truth.  

Let me tell you what happened.

The perfect family, the perfect home, the booming career

I was in my mid thirties and living what I thought was a great life.

Two amazing children, married to a successful and outstanding person and taking care of my career and health.

At age 36 I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.

As strange as this may sound, this was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Life has a beautiful way of giving you opportunities to wake up.

A shift to survival mode, a shift in perspective.

While I was going through the process of staying alive, surgeries, chemo and radiation, my husband was deployed to Iraq.

He was gone for almost two years.

Faced with this reality a new set of skills and mindset kicked into gear.

My focus was made clear, priorities were immediately set and all the things I viewed as important were dropped from my “list”.

You may say this was the icing on the cake.

My mother always told me that everything happens for a reason.

These words were comforting, and, at the same time, left me to blindly trust.

Moms really have a way to simplify the most complex situations.

A bump in the road with a silver lining... clarity.

What I learned from this time in my life is the power we have when fear is not in control.

I learned to observe my thoughts and re-frame every experience and aligned every choice, action and thought toward survival.

This level of clarity had never been a part of my life.

The noisy chatter that had previously consumed my mind was blissfully silent.

There was an intuition showing me the path to take.

I knew I was going to make it through.

Finally living in balance

These events changed my life journey, started me on a path towards balance and peace.

Sounds incredible right?

I do have to confess: I was not aware of it at the time.

No miraculous epiphany occurred.

What was put in my path, was a life lesson on what could be, with the right mindset, you can positively impact your life, health and overall state of well being.

Don’t get me wrong – I received amazing care and I had phenomenal doctors. But that was only part of the equation. Believing that survival was the only option played a major role in the outcome.

I realized my personal power.

Through the continued practice of awareness, tuning into my values and gaining confidence in my choices, I am living a life fulfilled.

The universe has a path laid out for you.

Learning to navigate your journey is the key to truly living.

Website Photo Credit: Alan Hubbard, Photo By Friday